Pradip Kumar Ray

Pragyan Ray

Author is an engineer by training, currently engaged in multidisciplinary research. Author mainly focuses in the field of biotechnology, medical device innovation and biomedical engineering. He has honed his skills in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology during graduation and post-graduation degree; and currently working as a PhD scholar at NIT Rourkela in the area of microfluidics & biomedical engineering. Apart from research, the author has experience of working in the formulation R&D in the corporate sector.

The author has completed  certificate course on “Drug Development” from the University of California San Diego and also completed another online certificate course on “Design and Interpretation of  Clinical Trials” from Johns Hopkins University. The author has presented poster in numerous conferences and successfully participated in different workshops.

He is also actively engaged in conference arrangement, research and start-up proposal evaluation. Being able to reach to millions of people through innovation is the sole motivator of the author. The author believes, addressing the challenges at grass root level, is the key to achieve success in any area of society, be it in terms of education or health.

Several articles have already been published in various National and International Research Magazines and also his first Print Book “NEET Exam: Biology Mastering Concepts with 1200+ MCQs & Answers” have published on 2nd August’2023 which is now available at Different Online Stores.

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