In Manu Samhita Artha Shastra the Puranas are treated with reverence and placed on par with the Vedas. Even in modern times, the importance of mythology has not diminished. For research on sociology, theology, philosophy, ethics, we have to look to Purana. Purana is a text not only for research but also for theatrical practice. As a result of various setbacks of Indian culture over the ages, the foundations of Indian culture have been strengthened by Purn yashari rituals, behavior, beliefs and life consciousness. Emancipation from the cycle of birth and death is the main theme of Indian philosophy. The only path to liberation is the path of devotion. This Bhakti bhava is briefly stated in the Gita and elaborated in the Puranas. Mythological stories are created to teach people about various things, to create awareness and maintain social order, above all for the welfare of people.
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